The Grace Period provision protects the policy owner from the unintentional lapse of the contract.
保单持有人因【无意】行为而错过支付保费等导致保单失效时,Grace Period 将在一定时间内继续使保单有效。
Jerry is an insured who understated his age on his life insurance application, paying $12 per $1,000 of insurance instead of $15 per $1,000. If he dies, how will the adjusted death benefit be calculated? → 12/15th of the policy's face amount
When an accidental death benefit rider is added to a whole life policy, how does this affect the policy’s cash value?
Whole Life人寿保单添加一个ADB附加条款,并不影响保单的现金价值。
Which rider may pay a portion of death benefit after the insured has been diagnosed with a serious illness
当诊断出患有绝症,Accelerated death benefit (ADB)附加条款可以提前支取部分赔偿金。
How is a life insurance policy dividend legally defined?
What does ”guaranteed insurability” option allow an insured to do?
Guaranteed insurability,让投保人在未来,无需体检的情况下,继续投保或增大保额。
When does a life insurance policy’s waiver of premium take effect?
Waiver of premium,保费豁免条款,当投保人身体残疾的时候可以帮助实现豁免保费。
How are acts of war and aviation treated under a group life insurance policy?
If an insured dies because of an accident, which rider will provide additional coverage?
Accidental death rider,意外身故附加条款,对投保人的意外死亡提供额外的赔付。
Jack is involved in an accident and becomes totally and permanently disabled. His insurance policy continues in force without payment of further premiums. Which policy provision is responsible for this?
Waiver of premium,保费豁免条款,当投保人身体残疾的时候可以帮助实现豁免保费。
After a policy has lapsed, which provision allows the insured to continue coverage?
Reinstatement provision,该条款可以让投保人在保单失效后重获保障。
A life insurance policy can be surrendered for its cash value under which policy provision?
Non-forfeiture options,允许放弃保单,拿回保单里的净现金值。
Which statement is true regarding policy dividends?
在购买保单的时候,就会选择分红的选项:Dividend options 。
Which provision protects the policy owner from unintentional lapse of the contract?
保单持有人因【无意】行为而错过支付保费等导致保单失效时,Grace Period 将在一定时间内继续使保单有效。
An insurer can be protected from adverse selection with which following provision?
保险公司可以通过自杀条款(Suicide clause)来保护自身利益。
What time period allows an insured’s life insurance policy to remain in force even if the premium was not paid on the due date?
保单持有人因【无意】行为而错过支付保费等导致保单失效时,Grace Period 将在一定时间内继续使保单有效。
Which of these is NOT a valid policy dividend option?
Monthly income payment,按照每月进行收入支付,不属于保单的分红支付选项。
Lucy is an insured who understated her age on her policy application, paying $17 per $1000 of insurance of $20 per $1000. If she dies, how will the adjusted death benefit be calculated?
Tom buys a 15-year renewable term policy, Jerry buy an indexed universal life policy. Which statement is NOT true :
Term Policy,定期寿险,没有现金价值,因此也无法使用现金值。
Which of the following does a policy owner NOT have a right to change?
Dividend schedule ,分红的计划有保险公司决定,不由投保人决定。
What are collateral assignments normally associated with?
Bank loans,银行贷款,通常和抵押评估联系在一起。
What does the grace period allow a life insurance policy owner to do?
保单持有人因【无意】行为而错过支付保费等导致保单失效时,Grace Period 将在一定时间内继续使保单有效。因此,如果忘记按时支付保费,grace period 会让投保人暂时得到保护。
When a life insurance policy is surrendered, how does the cost recovery rule apply?
如果退保,那么保单的基础成本费用是免税的:Cost basis is exempt from taxation。
IN a life insurance policy, the entire contract consists of
保单合约包含了 整个保单合同以及申请的文书:Policy and attached application。
Which of the following is NOT a common life insurance policy rider?
Extended term,不是一个常见的保单附加条款。