美国人寿保险指南网©️ 2018年度报告 & 邀请信



Happy Holiday Season!


在过去的一年里,美国人寿保险指南网©️社区 DAU 稳步提高,并服务了成千上万名独立用户。这些用户群体,主要来自于美国,中国大陆,香港及台湾地区。而来自美国境内的用户,占比在80%以上,主要分布在10个大都会区域。













2018年9月,我们参加了在南加州橙县举办的2018 Susan Komen Race for the Cure® ,以女性健康为主题的5K健行募款活动


我们关心2018年10月在美国南部遭遇Hurrican Michael灾害袭击的民众,也对在2018年11月,在加州地区遭受山火的受灾民众表示深深的同情,我们通过美国红十字会进行了个人捐赠。


我们每月向Direct Relief进行定期捐款,Direct Relief是一家非营利性,无党派机构,致力于给遭遇紧急情况和贫困民众提供必要的医疗资源。









提供你个人、公司或机构信息的简单介绍,并留下联系方式,发送邮件到:[email protected]即可。我们在收到邮件后,会与您取得联系,开展产品内测。


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To our readers :

Happy Holiday Season!

We are happy to announce USLIFEINSUANCEGURU.COM is officially one-year-old.

In the past year, the online community’s DAU has been steadily increasing and has served thousands of individual users. Our users are mainly from the United States, mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. More than 80% of our visitors are from the U.S., scattered among the 10 major metropolitan areas.

Uslifeinsuranceguru.com is the one and only Chinese service provider that focuses on U.S. life insurance industry vertically, and has become the first responder for industry news delivered to the Mandarin-speaking community, such as the widely discussed changes taking place in Voya.

Uslifeinsuranceguru is also the first Chinese media that delivers rate information on the major U.S. life insurance companies, as well as the reference points for selecting the best or most suitable protection for the Mandarin-speaking communities.  Our data indicates that the information we have been providing has become a critical and reliable resource for Mandarin speaking communities.  We provide assistance and ongoing support to learn about insurance policies and products, and we provide a form of educational assistance to enrich the knowledge and understanding about the different life insurance companies and their policies and insurance products.

Uslifeinsuranceguru.com has become a credible and stable platform for Mandarin speaking communities in the U.S. and elsewhere in North America to learn about news and developments in the insurance industry and especially to serve as a reference point for learning more about all insurance related issues and products.

Media Relationship


In October 2018, Uslifeinsuranceguru.com become a columnist for Toutiao, a leading news and information content platform, also one of Mandarin community’s largest mobile platforms. Our content has since been featured twice on the front page.

In 2018, Uslifeinsuranceguru.com became a verified columnist for JD Finance, the leading online financial service platform in the Mandarin community, which provides information and recommends services and products including consumer credit and wealth management products.

Also in October, we contacted another international financial and life insurance company.  Due to confidentiality issues, we cannot release the name of the firm yet, but we are engaged in good faith efforts to expand our presence to provide the most current and updated industry news and information for our users in the foreseeable future.

Community Engagement


As the individual of our community, we endorse Net Neutrality Law, and we donate to Wikimedia Foundation annually.Susan-G-Komen-Logo-ok

In September 2018, we participated in the Orange County Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure® in the effort to support the cause of raising breast cancer awareness.


We care about the people who suffered from the Hurricane Michael in Florida and the recent devastating Camp Fire in California. We made donations to the American Red Cross for disaster reliefs in the hope to help them rebuilt the community.


We also encourage donations to Direct Relief, a non-profit, non-partisan organization, dedicating to provide essential medical resources to natural and man-made disasters.

We are also big advocates for local business and community farming.  One of our community contributors is the curriculum developer for her community education farm, conducting volunteer work to develop hands-on programs about organic farming and sustainable agriculture for young kids and teenagers. You can click here to learn more and make donations.

2019 outlook & Invitation

Looking forward to 2019, uslifeinsuranceguru.com will continue to emphasize its vision and mission to help Mandarin-speaking communities around the world to acquire and discuss comprehensive insurance industry news, to learn about companies and products, and to help share objective and reliable information with all community members’ for improvements in financial and life insurance planning for their families.

We believe there is never the BEST product, but rather some products, as opposed to others, may be the most SUITABLE based on individual, family, or business needs.

During the process of pursuing our mission, we have realized that professional companies and agencies, as well as financial planning individuals, have to be trusted and they are critical components in reliable financial and insurance planning processes.

Uslifeinsuranceguru.com cannot stress enough the importance of seeking advice from industry professionals for life insurance products and financial planning.

In our continuous effort to provide better service to the community, uslifeinsuranceguru.com will launch a new Internet-based product, operating independently from the main website, to connect the industry professionals with the Mandarin-speaking consumer base.

We extend our warmest invitation to you to participate in our beta testing.

Join us

Please send an email to [email protected], leave your contact information and a brief introduction of yourself, agency or company, etc.

We look forward to your participation and will contact you once we receive your email.


美国人寿保险指南©️,https://www.uslifeinsuranceguru.com ,是位于北美的人寿保险知识服务网站。 网站致力于帮助世界范围内的华人,全面学习美国人寿保险知识,从而能够获得能保障自己和亲人所需的保险。同时, 美国人寿保险指南网©️旨在提醒公众,专业的从业人员在帮助家庭,企业和个人规划最适合他们需求的保险产品方面,所发挥的重要作用。

Based in North America, https://www.uslifeinsuranceguru.com is dedicated to helping the Mandarin-speaking community around the world to gain comprehensive knowledge and updated industry news about U.S. life insurance, to help to share financial planning experience and recommendations from industry professionals. We believe there is never the BEST product, but rather the best SUITABLE ones through professional planning.

[总票数: 16 平均分: 4.9]
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