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The U.S. State Department ends B1/B2 going to the U.S. to have children, or impacts the U.S. financial and insurance industry’s foreign market

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(美國人壽保險指南網 2020/01/23日 訊)美國太平洋時間2020年1月23日,美國白宮和美國國務院發布了正式聲明,Significant changes have been made to the regulations on tourist visas to go to the United States to give birth to children.

The full text of the statement issued by the White House is as follows:


Earlier, the U.S. State Department announced the detailed rules for adjusting the B-1/B-2 short-term business/travel visa regulations.限制外國人持B-1或B-2簽證赴美產子,一旦懷疑或發現申請人赴美目的為生子,美國簽證官有權以此拒絕其簽證申請。該規定將於2020年1月24日正式執行。

In the past, the default rule for the sub-industry of going to the United States for childbirth was that as long as it was honestly informed of the purpose of going to the United States for childbirth, proved financial strength to pay for medical expenses, and did not attempt to occupy public resources, the visa officer could not refuse this as a reason.

The State Council finally clarified one point in the regulations announced today:B1/B2 shall not be used for the purpose of obtaining U.S. citizenship by going to the United States to give birth to children.

In the regulations,Going to the U.S. to give birth to sub-industry is defined as "criminal fraud",It also disclosed in detail the criminal process and details of the "California Chinese Confinement Center Fraud Case" that was recently exposed to the public in the United States, involving various industrial chain groups and participating pregnant women in the confinement center.

According to official U.S. data, the largest source countries for births in the U.S. areChina, Russia and Nigeria.The number of immigrants who go to the United States to give birth to American babies is more than 3 each year.

Or hit the foreign insurance market

According toAmerican Life Insurance GuideAccording to statistics, foreign families who go to the U.S. to have children are not a small "channel group" applying for U.S. insurance products.

At the same time, according to a certain focus on "Foreigner marketAccording to the data disclosed by the insurance company, in 2019, the number of insurance policies applied by foreigners exceeded 1000.

The new regulations that came into effect on January 2020, 1 will inevitably have a significant impact on the subgroups of children going to the United States and related industries.After the legal path to travel to the United States with tourist visas for medical delivery is blocked, the sales of foreign insurance market may usher in a decline. (Finish)

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